
Teletherapy is the online delivery of mental health and addiction therapy via interactive audio and video conferencing. Teletherapy sessions are very similar to traditional therapy session with one major exception. Instead of sitting in the same room, clients and therapists interact with each other via live video conferencing.

Enjoy the many benefits of traditional therapy from the comfort of your own home.

Enjoy the many benefits of traditional therapy from the comfort of your own home.

Currently, sessions are only offered online (teletherapy) using VSee, a secure teletherapy platform.

Teletherapy is a convenient and affordable way to reduce the barriers and hassles some experience when seeking out quality mental health care.

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Why choose teletherapy?

  • Teletherapy is a great way to serve the needs of clients with limited direct access to therapists

  • Allows clients to participate in therapy without having to leave their children (or pets) home alone or having to hire a babysitter

  • Save on the costs and time of traveling (especially during rush hour traffic!)

All teletherapy sessions will be conducted on the VSee video conferencing platform. You may download VSee via the Apple App Store, Google Play, or at

Check out 10 quick tips to optimize your teletherapy session below.

10 Helpful Tips to Prepare You for Your Teletherapy Session

It is not unusual to feel a little anxious and uncomfortable prior to starting our teletherapy session. Both of us want this to run as smooth as possible, and we can never know what challenges may arise at any time during our session.

But the better prepared we are beforehand, the easier it is for our teletherapy session to run smoothly.

  1. Here are some tips to help prepare you PRIOR to your upcoming teletherapy session.

  2. Make sure you are in a private room where you will not be distracted, interrupted, or disturbed.

  3. Silence your cell phone. Turn off any music or television.

  4. Have sufficient lighting. Make sure any light is positioned in front of you, NOT behind you. This prevents overshadowing.

  5. Feel free to have some coffee, water, or tea with you during the session.

  6. Check to see if your computer has both a camera and internal microphone. Make sure you test both to assure clear audio and video. Remember, per HIPPA requirements, all teletherapy sessions must incorporate both interactive audio and video components. We will have some time before the start of the session to adjust our audio and video connections.

  7. Make sure no one at your house tries to stream video (e.g. Netflix) or music (e.g Spotify), or is playing online games because it will slow the connection.

  8. Make sure you close unnecessary websites or browsers. It is better to have one browser or website open at a time. If you have one too many websites open, your connection will be slowed.

  9. Limit background noise, including fans, barking dogs, or phones.

  10. It helps to have a minimal background that is not distracting (e.g. a solid colored fabric, blanket, or wall). It will help the camera focus on you better.

  11. That being said, please be MINDFUL of what’s in your background. Make sure there isn’t anything in view that you don’t want me to see.

I offer a FREE consultation by phone or email for those who are interested in therapy while practicing social distancing. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment, please click the link below.