Trauma bonding occurs when a person forms an intense emotional connection with someone who is abusive, manipulative, or otherwise harmful. This bond is reinforced through cycles of abuse, periods of kindness, and emotional manipulation, making it difficult for the victim to leave.
Understanding Anxiety and the Body’s Response: Key Symptoms and Effective Coping Skills for Managing Anxiety
Understanding the relationship between the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and anxiety is essential to treatment. The SNS is a part of the autonomic nervous system that activates our body’s "fight or flight" response. For those with trauma histories, this response can become overactivated, even in non-threatening situations, leading to heightened and persistent anxiety.
Reducing Traumatic Stress: An EMDR Therapist's Perspective
Trauma leaves a profound impact, often shaping the way people perceive the world, relate to others, and even experience themselves. The good news is that trauma doesn't have to define you, and through therapies like EMDR, there is a way to find relief, process the pain, and move forward into a healthier and more empowered life.
Addiction: A Choice? A Disease? Or An Attachment Disorder?
Parts of Me… Introduction into Trauma, Emotional “Parts” & Structural Dissociation
Trauma is the physiological and psychological response to deeply disturbing or distressing events that overwhelm our ability to cope, leading to profound feelings of helplessness and hopelessness protecting ourselves (or others we care about like parents or siblings) when faced with real (or perceived) threats.
When left untreated, patterns of disturbance which are experienced for more than 1 month after a traumatic event has occurred, and cause significant disruption in social and occupational areas of one’s life often become what is known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Porn Addiction: Men’s Silent Epidemic
But porn addiction has slowly become a silent epidemic for millions of boys and men. “Porn sickness” [1] a term coined to describe an imbalance in a person pornography use and the impact it has on their daily life function. This imbalance tends to cause problems in their social and romantic relationships, issues with sexual performance and decreased sexual satisfaction, and lower self-esteem.
5 Important Lessons I Learned During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic
To say the least, 2020 was a strange and chaotic year for us all. With the COVID-19 pandemic at the forefront of great challenges and change in our social, political, and economic systems, many of us were forced into an unfamiliar and unpredictable world wrought with fear of what’s to come, grief at what was lost, and uncertainty about how to navigate it all.
How Mindfulness & Meditation Forever Transformed My Life
I am still astounded by what I don’t know, and I am continually amazed by how much I can still learn about this strange and mysterious thing called the “Human Experience”.
For the longest time, I felt as if I was sleep walking through life. My body was moving, but there’s no one driving the car, and I had no particular place to go.
Rites of Passage and Their Vital Importance to the Development of Boys & Men
There are three existential questions all of us have asked or will ask at some point in our lives:
1) Who am I?
2) Where did I come from?
3) What is the meaning and purpose of my life?
These questions are extraordinarily complex and intricate, as they are unique to the individual person and are exceedingly difficult to answer by one’s self. The reason these questions are more challenging to answer is because we cannot answer them by mere thought alone.
Trauma Theater: How to Stop Re-enacting Past Trauma in Our Relationships and Change Our Trauma Story
Relationships are fundamental to the human experience. They are intrinsic to how we define ourselves and relate to the world. They help form our values, morals, and beliefs. They protect us from danger and provide for us in times of need. They form the basis for our culture, shaping how we communicate and relate to others.
Recovery Month: Risks to Recovering Addicts During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges to addicts in recovery. Not only have recovering addicts who have long-term sobriety are at risk, but has been especially strenuous for those who have recently decided to take a leap of faith transitioning from active addiction into unfamiliar world of addiction recovery.
Why Seek Therapy Now?
Healing from Trauma with EMDR Therapy
If you have ever been in therapy (great job taking a risk and getting some help), you most likely have heard about trauma, as it is quite the hot topic issue in the therapeutic community, and has been making its way into mainstream news.
Maybe you have even been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder by a licensed clinician, or maybe you diagnosed yourself. I mean, who hasn’t done that at least once after reading WebMD or several online articles about depression, anxiety, or narcissistic parents?
The 2 Leading Ways Modern Addiction Treatment Falls Short In Serving Recovering Addicts
Recovering from drug and alcohol addiction is an immensely arduous challenge to overcome. It is even more strenuous to do it alone. Thus, people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction who are in desperate need for a solution turn to clinical substance abuse treatment for help stopping the destructive pain their addiction is causing them and their loved ones.
3 Tips for Taking Care of Our Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Many of us feel more than stressed out due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the associated job losses, social unrest, mask mandates, and lockdowns that have occurred over the last several months. We are filled with doubt things will return back to normal. We feel uncertain about our future and our children’s future. We feel angry and frustrated that our goals, dreams, and world have been turned upside down by a force we have no control over. We are scared about how much worse things can get and what “getting through this” will look like for us.
How to Come Back from a Break Up & Thrive
One moment the relationship is filled with joy, passion, and affection; we can’t imagine spending our lives with anyone else. The next moment everything is shattering into bits and pieces. Anger, jealousy, fear, pain, and hurt starts to seep in, and we say and do things to our partner which ends up poisoning our hearts. Sometimes we see this end coming, and deny the inevitable, hoping in the heart of hearts some miracle will save our relationship from ending. Despite all our protest, denial, and resistance, the relationship ends and we fall apart.
When Do We Keep Trying or Give Up: A Tough Choice
“You never know what’s around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you’ve climbed a mountain” – Tom Hiddleston
Her muscles scream in pain, telling her they desperately want to end this race right here right now. She feels a wave of anxiety creeping into her mind, wondering whether or not she’ll make it to the finish line.
When Is It Time to Make a Career Transition
How To Start A Healthy Relationship... With Yourself
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love & affection”
- Buddha
Having a loving and accepting relationship with myself has been an extremely daunting task, as a small part of me seeks to I resist the idea of self-compassion. Every time I am placed in a stressful situation, whether it be a project deadline, conflict in a relationship, dealing with a frustrated and angry child, parent, or client, or simply trying something for the first time, I would find myself consistently, but subtly criticizing and judging every though, action or word I spoke.
How Your Attitude Creates Your Success or Your Suffering
“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
What is the attitude you take towards challenges and conflict in your life? What are those loud, annoying voices in our heads saying to us about how should we live our lives? Raise our children? How we should view ourselves and place in this world?